Animation Editor 3.0

Hey guys, I’ve been working on improving the look and capabilities of the animation editor over the past few weeks. Here’s what’s new!

What is the animation editor?
The animation editor is a tool that allows developers to create animations for characters, npcs and anything else they want to animate in their game.

Where do I get the editor?
To get the editor, open up ROBLOX Studio and under the “Plugins” tab go to “Manage Plugins”. Click “Find Plugins” and one of the top results will be the Animation Editor. Install (or update if you already have it), then open a new place and you’re ready to go.
You can also open studio and navigate to the link to install it.

What’s new?

  • Lots of bug fixes
  • UI Overhaul
  • Undo / Redo Capabilities
  • Re-implemented individual pose copy/delete capabilities
  • Scaleable timeline
  • Timeline zooming
  • Improved dragger
  • Tooltips
  • Help buttons throughout
  • New features coming soon (read below)

What’s Coming?
Soon we’ll be releasing Easing Styles which will let you easily add some cool effects to your animation. For a sneak peek of what this feature will look like, check out the second half of the creator show episode where we show it off!

Another feature coming soon is a new import menu. Instead of pasting the ID of your animation you will be able to select from a list of animations in your inventory.

What should I do if I find a bug?
Submit the bug to the bug tracker on GitHub:
This is the best way to have your bug seen as fast as possible.

Where can I find a more in-depth guide on all of the features offered?
This wiki page is updated often with new changes.


Awesome work, can’t wait to start using this!

One thing I do wish you’d add is more shortcuts. Currently you can copy and paste keyframes by using alt+c and alt+v.

It’d be nice if we could do undo as alt+z and redo as alt+shift+z.

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Easing style hype!11!1!!

Really loving all the features you’re adding. :smiley:

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ROBLOX, disable studio context menu on active=true GUI elements / buttons so we can have context menus of our own for plugins pls :sad:

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Currently Shift-V is to paste. Ctrl-Click is to select a pose (to copy) and Alt-Click is to delete a pose.
For undo/redo, Shift-Z and Shift-Y are currently used.


Easing styles pls

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There are lots of major bugs. I posted some in the GitHub bug tracker.

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Is there any way to create animations that stay on their last keyframe when they reach the end instead of going back to whatever the character was before the animation played?

I believe the old editor did that by default. Is there any way to roll back to the previous version?

The old editor didn’t do it by default. I think the animation I posted is old and wacky. When I loaded it and printed the length, I got a really big number but when I printed IsPlaying got false.


Either create two animations: one to transition to/from the idle, and then a separate idle animation that’s just a static animation (same start/end) and set it to looping, or just create the static idle and let ROBLOX do the transitioning automatically with thr fadetime parameter if stop/play

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Nice, now I can make a re-make of my roblox animation tutorial on youtube

last one got 5k+ views and it has crappy quality, this time It’ll have a good one and it’ll have an improved Animation Editor!

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How long till easing styles come out?

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It would be super awesome if all keyframes automatically get unique names. Right now the default keyframe name is ‘Keyframe’, which is awkward when you want to work with the KeyframeReached event. I always forget to name my keyframes and having to reload animations, rename keyframes and republish them is a clunky task.


Are easing styles ever going to come out?


Yes, but not soon. There were some issues that are preventing us from enabling them and until we can fix them, they won’t be available.


May we have the [New] button prompt a window that says
“You have unsaved changes, would you like to save?”

I lost 2 hours of work because I missed the Save button and it doesn’t undo.

Thank you


I just made a nice animation for once, little happy me went to click play but mouse slipped, woosh animation gone.

I agree with @MisterObvious please add it in the next update :slightly_smiling:

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Still waiting for easing styles :confused:


So far, I’ve been doing it manually so far just for roblox.
Whereas I get to shave off 20mins (in RL work; that’s a lot of time to save) because the programs already provide you with those tools. :wink:

I hope there’s going to be a graph editor update too.
Would love to see and adjust my work through graphs.

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Can you elaborate on this? I don’t use external animation editors, so I’m not familiar with what you’re referring to.

It’s kind of like drawing the easing style for the animation on a graph. You’d just plot points and it’d interpolate via bezier curve or something. It’s more complex to store but it offers a lot in terms of utility vs preset tween curve styles.