I created two sword swinging animations. They are exactly the same except that one lasts for 2 seconds and the other lasts for 0.2 seconds. I want the wide sweeping movement to happen, but for some reason, it doesn’t happen in the short one. In the animation editor, they both look fine, but when using them on my character, only the slow version works. What might I be doing wrong?
Thank you! This works… but it feels hacky. I’d have to play all of my sword swing animations at 10x speed. Do you know if there is a way to just adjust the easing on my animation in a way that will allow the animation to be recreated more faithfully?
Maybe. I’ve never played with animations in a complex context. I was also thinking about that the keyframes were placed differently when changing the time of the animation… but as I previously stated, I do not know animating to the maximum extent.
If you found a solution, mark it with the check mark next to the heart.
I will leave this thread up for a little bit to see if anyone knows if there is an ‘official’ way to do this within the animation editor, and not, I will mark it, thank you!