Animation Plays when there's actual one in process

Hi there, I am Crystallityy and I am working on a Lightsaber for my game. I would like to stop the bug you may play another Animation while there’s an actual one in the process. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Add a debounce:

local Tool = script.Parent
local Attack = Tool.Attack
local Defend = Tool.Defend
local Idle = Tool.Idle
local Walking = Tool.Walking

    local Character = Tool.Parent
    local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
    local AnimationTrack = Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(Attack)
    if AnimationTrack.IsPlaying then return end

The script you provided isn’t working, the issue is still the same.

Probably because it refreshes the AnimationTrack variable every time, my bad! Try this:

local Tool = script.Parent
local Attack = Tool.Attack
local Defend = Tool.Defend
local Idle = Tool.Idle
local Walking = Tool.Walking

local Debounce = false
local TimeOut = 2 -- Timeout in seconds

	if Debounce then return end
	Debounce = true
	local Character = Tool.Parent
	local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	local AnimationTrack = Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(Attack)
	task.delay(TimeOut, function()
		Debounce = false
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Thanks! You helped me out of this.