Animation Returning back to RootPart?

I’m fairly new to animation so I decided to try out mixamo. The issue is when I play the animation in the game it returns back to center. In the animation, editor it does not. Is there a way to fix this problem with what I have?


In Editor

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You need to position via bodymovers or cframe. Don’t rely on animation to position your character.

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Yes, this, at least for player characters (for NPCs offset within animations can sometimes be OK and be worked around). When getting any animations from Mixamo for use with player characters, you should always use the “In place” checkbox if the animation has this option. If not, you can remove the positional slide in Blender in the Graph Editor, by scaling movement on the affected axis to zero (from a ramp to a flat, horizontal line).

When you let an animation offset the character from the humanoid root part, control of the character breaks down because the character will still rotate around the humanoid root part.