Animation scaling with walkspeed

I’m having an issue with scaling the animation speed with the Walk Speed, I’ve searched through every single thread and looked at everything and none have worked for me.

I’ve taken out the basic animate script from a R6 body and placed it into the Starter Character and nothing about the animation speed has changed.

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have you tried speeding up the animations depending on the walkspeed

Try Animation.Speed

This property determines the speed of the animation, and it may help in your case.

You can use :AdjustSpeed() to do this

The function uses a parameter which basically describes what % speed it should run at, so for example making it :AdjustSpeed(0.5) would make it run 50% of its normal speed

So, using this you can use some basic math to find how much % faster the player is walking.

local defaultWalkspeed = 16 -- whatever's default

local animation = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(wherever your animation is)
local percentWalkingSpeed = humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16

Let’s suppose that the new walkspeed is 24. Dividing it by 16 (our default walkspeed) would give us an answer of 1.5. Hence, 24 walkspeed is running 50% faster than normal

Hope this helped


Yeah of course I know about this but I heard that you can edit use the animate script instead.