Animations wont play on custom character

Hey guys! So I have created a bird (pigeon to be exact) and i cant find a way to get any animations to play on it! The animations work fine in moon animator and i cant see why they dont work when being played.
This is how i’ve layed it out

u need to use Humanoid:LoadAnimation()
like this(insert a script in the model):

local BirdHumanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid

local Anim = BirdHumanoid:LoadAnimation(--[[animation path here [not animation id]]))
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You need a script that activates the animation/pose. Like @MrchipsMa said above. eg.

local BirdAnimation = humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.parent..["Animations (Temp)"]..AnimationName)

If you want the official documentation the here is the link: Humanoid | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Yeah i’ve done that to play the animation, it just wont work.

send a picture of the script you used.

I’d suggest you use an Animation Controller instead of a humanoid when working with custom rigs


How would i exactly do that?

3o characters.

So a humanoid is completely unecessary? I’ll give it a try

I tried playing my an animation with humanoid for my ViewModel. It didn’t work, instead I used an animation controller, which worked.

So how would I run the animations? In a local script somewhere?

You can use local scripts. You just load it normally like how you load an animation with humanoid. But instead replace humanoid with AnimationController

Seems cool, i’ll give it a try.

Still doesn’t happen to work, this is the code I used just to test.

local char = workspace:WaitForChild("rokasalmonaitis1")
local controller = char:FindFirstChild("AnimationController")
local anim = controller:FindFirstChild("Walk")

while wait(1) do
	local loadedAnim = controller:LoadAnimation(anim)

Hmm, that’s weird. Mind showing me the AnimationController?


Hmm, I don’t really know why it isn’t working. Sorry!

It’s fine! Thanks for the help eitherway.

Found a fix for it! Thanks for everyone’s help.

Could you explain what you did to fix it?

I had a model containing the character model parts. I just put the AnimationController in there and it decided to work.