Another announcement!

Hello everyone! This thread will focus on the future of my development!

The future of my projects

oldBLOX: I have made the decision to discontinue this project. The final update was released on August 3rd, 2020. This means that there will no longer be any more updates to this game.

BLOXcamp: As announced here (Regarding the future) this project has been discontinued.

Workout Simulator: As announced here (Regarding the future) this project has been discontinued.

TyDye Nostalgia Zone: As announced here (Regarding the future) this project has been discontinued.

Questions and answers

Why are these changes being made?

I am currently dealing with several major life events and am unable to provide updates for my projects.

Will you ever return to Roblox development?

It is a possibility, however, I don’t believe it’ll happen anytime in 2020.

I have another question that is not answered here!

You can contact me with any questions you have and I will answer them to the best of my ability. You can contact me through the DevForum or Roblox.
DevForum: Profile - TyDye8 - Developer Forum | Roblox
Roblox: Login

Will you still be on the DevForum?

I will occasionally be contributing on the forum. However, I don’t know how long that will last.