Any good plugins for in-engine short creation?

Going to be working on a trailer for someone, and I’d like to see if I can find a more efficient way to animate the scene and move the camera as well. Does anyone have a good plugin that can do this well? I’ve tried a few animation systems in the past, but very few are easy to use, and all of them lack camera movement capability.

edit: moved to Dev Support to hopefully get more answers

for camera movement specifically, you could use a Cutscene Editor plugin like:

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That’s an option, but doesn’t provide the amount of flexibility I’m looking for.

Try using Left Ctrl + Left Shift + L or Left Shift + P (if these are the correct keybinds, not sure) for freeflying smooth camera movement.

Yeah, I suppose I could combine that with a looped animation. Not quite what I’m going for, but it’s an improvement. Thanks!

You’re probably going to hate me if you don’t know much in the way of scripting, but attaching the camera to a brick and moving the brick itself isn’t very hard. It requires some manual labor but if you’re trying to get a very specific shot and a plugin isn’t helping then scripting it yourself is the right choice. Can you provide some more information on specifically what you’re trying to accomplish (maybe add some screenshots)? I might be able to guide you in the right direction.

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I already know the ins and outs of the individual camera manipulation and animating, but I’m trying to find a more efficient way of combining the two together that doesn’t require a bunch of hacky code. For now, I’m going to go with the above post because it seems to be the most efficient.

Alright, that’s cool! If you ever need some help with things that require (as you put it):

feel free to message me!

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