Any reason for this?

Hey, so I’m running a tutorial system on the client, and it works fine in Studio test mode, but when I go into an actual server to play it it doesn’t work.

Added notes, this is a team create. And I’ve had issues in the past of it not saving certain updates to scripts or stuff, even though it seems correct on my client. (the code seems to be correct and updated.)

Also, I believe Roblox adjusted Studio tests to behave exactly like how a server would, so this logically makes no sense at all.

Help appreciated, thanks.

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Question: When does it not work? Does it hit an error somewhere?

Assuming that it doesn’t work on the very beginning, check for any inaccuracy between Studio and an actual server. I believe there is one inaccuracy.


I can show the code, but I don’t think it’s necessary.

The code does function, but the arrow that should be positioned on top of this building does not get positioned correctly, and instead is placed on a road.

Very, very odd.


This sounds more like team create saving instead of an actual issue with your script:

I answered a similar question recently about this and it is probably why you are experiencing the issue. You can’t manually save in a team create it auto saves every five minutes. So when you manually save and play it hasn’t actually saved.

So my answer is wait a bit in studio for it to auto publish.

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Thanks for the replies guys.

Although, I think I’ve pinpointed the issue to being in regards of trying to access a part within the tycoon model but it hasn’t loaded in yet. It worked for me I guess because I have a good enough processor to load in that stuff pretty quick, but yeah, I added WaitForChild’s to wait for these parts to load in and that did the trick.

Thanks everyone!