Any tips on these Miniscule Builds?

Built these yesterday! the maps are the size of a 2x4 brick. Any tips on the current maps, or suggestions for other maps i should build?




Wrong catagory, change to #development-support:building-support

Those look amazing! Are those meshes or scaled parts?



It looks great, the style is consistent throughout the entire build.
The only issue is the sandy terrain clipping through the rock walls


Scaled Parts. I may start using meshes later in the future.


I understand what you’re saying. I did allow the sand to clip through on purpose, just to show the informalities of the outside walls

Pretty cool and unique. Remind me of a tower defense map. If thats what you were going for I think you would do a great job pursuing that goal.

Good luck!


Great build, I only have one suggestion!

The trick to any amazing build is inconsistency to where it looks natural. You have achieved this with the borders, as they do not look like they are just four different parts, they look much more natural than that. The trees on the other hand, do look very similar. One easy way that you can change this up a bit is to make two to three different trees, and then just rotate and resize those accordingly to give all the differences you need. With enough of those, your build will quickly improve in no time at all!

Best of luck, and congrats on the builds so far!


Thank you so much for the advice! I certainly will look forward to implementing your advice in my next builds.

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Well it look so cool , good building. You should do an a Undersea map like somethig with corals. or do a cementery.

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Those are two great ideas! I look forward to building those.