I want to make a script whereas there is an area (a part) and in the area multiple parts spawn in randomly and fall in the area, and the spawned parts get destroyed after a few seconds, how can i do this?
This is a really crude solution, meaning it’s unoptimized, but it works :p
GoodDeedForToday.rbxl (55.5 KB)
You can adjust the despawn time in ReplicatedStorage > partToSpawn > Script
You can adjust the spawn frequency in ServerScriptService > Script
Hopefully no memory leaks
Good luck with your project :D
Pseudo code of it.
Local partcount = 15
Local areapart = workspace.area
Local timebeforedestroy = 5
for i = 1, partcount do
Local obj = Instance.new(“Part”)
obj.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(areapart.Position.X-areapart.Size.X/2, areapart.Position.X+areapart.Size.X/2), math.random(areapart.Position.Y-areapart.Size.Y/2, areapart.Position.Y+areapart.Size.Y/2), math.random(areapart.Position.Z-areapart.Size.Z/2, areapart.Position.Z+areapart.Size.Z/2))
obj.Parent = workspace
game:GetService(“Debris”):AddItem(obj, timebeforedestroy)
I’m writing this on phone and it took me like 10 minutes, this script is pretty bad but it should work
Put under script in workspace or serverscriptsrrvice and define your area part, all parts spawn in area part, make sure area part is anchored and can collide fale
local spawnArea = script.Parent -- The part representing the spawn area
local spawnInterval = 2 -- Time between each spawn
local partLifetime = 5 -- Time before parts are destroyed
local partSize = Vector3.new(2, 2, 2) -- Size of the parts to spawn
local debrisService = game:GetService("Debris") -- Debris service for cleanup
local runService = game:GetService("RunService") -- RunService for stepped events
-- Preallocate a template for the parts
local partTemplate = Instance.new("Part")
partTemplate.Size = partSize
partTemplate.Anchored = false
partTemplate.CanCollide = true
partTemplate.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
-- Calculate bounds of the spawn area
local areaBounds = {
MinX = spawnArea.Position.X - (spawnArea.Size.X / 2),
MaxX = spawnArea.Position.X + (spawnArea.Size.X / 2),
MinZ = spawnArea.Position.Z - (spawnArea.Size.Z / 2),
MaxZ = spawnArea.Position.Z + (spawnArea.Size.Z / 2),
Y = spawnArea.Position.Y + (spawnArea.Size.Y / 2),
-- Generate a random position within the spawn area
local function getRandomPosition()
return Vector3.new(
math.random() * (areaBounds.MaxX - areaBounds.MinX) + areaBounds.MinX,
math.random() * (areaBounds.MaxZ - areaBounds.MinZ) + areaBounds.MinZ
-- Spawn a part
local function spawnPart()
local newPart = partTemplate:Clone()
newPart.Position = getRandomPosition()
newPart.Parent = workspace
-- Add the part to debris for automatic cleanup
debrisService:AddItem(newPart, partLifetime)
-- Schedule part spawning
wait(spawnInterval - step) -- Adjust wait to maintain consistent intervals
Hope it helps
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