Anyone made a plugin to localize the developer forum?

This would help users who don’t naturally speak English, or for people such as myself who prefer some languages more than/find some languages easier to read than English.

If there isn’t a plugin specifically for the developer forums, is there one that works for nearly any website like how Google Chrome and Safari auto-localize depending on device settings?

Localization is built into Discourse, so I’m not sure why there’s no way to change your language.

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Sorry, I worded it wrong

I meant a way to use google’s localization features to auto localize posts/topics/other things in the devforum.

Édit: for example, if a reply originally said « hello », it would be auto localized to say « bonjour »

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it’s generally a really bad idea to translate complex sentences through an online translator, but localization is built into chrome if you really want to do it