Arc handles not moving!

The arc handles instance is in player gui,

local script:

local arc ="ArcHandles",script.Parent)
arc.Adornee = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Part")
  1. Are they parented to the PlayerGui or CoreGui?
  2. Is the arc visible (arc.Visible)?
  3. Is the arc not invisible (arc.Transparency)?
  4. Did you set the Axes (arc.Axes)

Note I myself did not use ArcHandles before, but this is my guess to what’s wrong. Any critism or addition to this post is appreciated!

  1. Yes, to the player gui

  2. Yes

  3. Its visible not transparent

4.No whats that

I am guessing the solution is something “simple”, but if you wish to set the the Axes property you need to use the Axes datatype

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How to set arc axis? tell me about arc

You should use arc.Axes = there are some properties you can change of as well which are explained in the wiki I sent before.

local arc ="ArcHandles",script.Parent)
arc.Adornee = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Part")
arc.Axes ="Part").CFrame.RightVector)

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