I managed to put the “Sun Rays” into the lighting section and the effect is not coming up. Is it currently disabled?
Any idea what your graphics setting is set to? Should be under file > settings > rendering.
Studio graphics level has to be above around 18 I believe. Do what Nexus said to change it.
get this
I am at Quality Level 21.
could your graphics card be an issue?
I don’t think so because I see sun rays perfectly in other games.
and you made sure that the sunrays effect is enabled?
Can you activate render stats panel (Ctrl+Shift+F2) and upload the screenshot?
Also it might be useful to see the graphics logs; to get them, close studio, go to C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Roblox\logs, remove all files, open studio with your place, and upload the file that appears in that folder that has a name like log_…_1.txt
Odd bug. They work in one of my games but not the other and I have no idea why. They legit worked the other day.
Maybe this has something to do with how the place is set up - does anybody else see sun rays in your game(s)? Is the issue only in Studio for this specific game?
The issue is for the game. It doesn’t work in studio or in game but on other places it does work.
That makes more sense. Can you add a link to the game?
mmm nvm got it working again, something set lighting.geolat to 0
For the people who has this issue but none of the replies in this topic hasn’t fixed the issue, you could try this:
Make sure that Graphics Mode
is set to Automatic
on the Rendering tab in Settings.
Apparently not all graphics modes supports the lighting effects
That fixed the Sun rays effect for me once.
thanks! I was having the same issue, and this helped.