Assistance with std::string error working with Trello Http Request

I am using a Trello to record information publicly and I’m having issues with the update portion of the code. Creating a card for the trello works fine, updating it has gotten a little more complicated. Generally std::string errors are rather simple but I’ve been at this for about an hour and need assistance.

I’ve already checked the ID which will be provided in the gyazo it works fine. Tokey is the token and key, starting from ?, it should not be the issue. I highlighted the description and names in an attempt to see if id had to be first (perhaps I am missing information which I will further test as I wait for a response).

This is the code I am working with at the moment:

function UpdateCard(User)
	local req = HttpService:GetAsync(""..Tokey)
	local jsontable = HttpService:JSONDecode(req)
	local OnList = false
	for _, card in pairs(jsontable) do
		if string.lower( == string.lower(User.Name) then
			print("Player is on list.")
			OnList = true
			local PlayerName = User.Name
			local Description = "KNOWN MEMBER"
			local List = "5feadac75471a94a8c4f50a4"
			local CardId =
			--name = PlayerName, desc = Description, 
			local data = {id = CardId}
			local EncodedData = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)
			local Return = HttpService:RequestAsync({
				Url = ""..CardId..Tokey,
				Method = "PUT",
				Body = EncodedData
			local ReturnDecoded = HttpService:JSONDecode(Return)
	if OnList == false then
		print("Adding player to list...")
		local PlayerName = User.Name
		local Description = "NEW MEMBER"
		local List = "5feadac75471a94a8c4f50a4"
		local data = {name = PlayerName, desc = Description, idList = List}
		local dataencoded = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)
		local Return = HttpService:PostAsync(""..Tokey.."&name="..PlayerName.."&desc="..Description.."&idList="..List, dataencoded)
		local ReturnDecoded = HttpService:JSONDecode(Return)

This is the result:

Line 26 is also referring to print(ReturnDecoded)

I printed CardId it works fine.
I’ve been attempting to find the cause since posted time and I’m still uncertain.

I attempted Delete method and it worked fine, it is just the Put method I am having issues with. Perhaps it is because of the order of the data, does anyone know the data expected?

Lord Olicai hath solved my issue. I already decoded it.

Nevermind it wasn’t the issue. :frowning: