
As a developer it is annoying to get the world cframe of an attachment

Every other property has a world space version. CFrame is excluded. Kinda weird.


That suggestion is unrelated?

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I tried using Attachment.WorldCFrame the other day and was genuinely surprised it didn’t exist.

This has been a standard in any game engine that uses a scene graph implementation (which attachments essentially do) so this would be really good to have added.

Examples of implementation in other libraries / engines:
(Note: Unity uses position as the position derived from parent matrices)

Attachments are used for defining a cframe relative to an object. That is their fundamental purpose. They are made easy to place, orient and move. There are tools for this in studio. Attachments are used for creating rigs, for defining datapoints for trails, for attaching accessories to characters, and for other various reasons in the engine. Developers use them too in their own systems too. Unfortunately, developers must program using this redundant computation to achieve what seems to be their primary use.

attachment.Parent.CFrame * attachment.CFrame

As a developer, it is expected that there would be a WorldCFrame property readily available to read.


  • I have an attachment on the end of the barrel of a gun. I use this attachment’s world cframe to define a projectiles starting location and direction when firing. I also use the world cframe for other visual effects.
  • I am making a tool that players will use for building using modular pieces. I use attachments on these modular pieces to define how they can snap together. There is a very high frequency in which my code uses an attachment’s world cframe.