Attempt to compare boolean <= number, but somehow works when I print?

I’m making a module but it gives me some error that tells me that I am comparing a boolean >= number. My code:

local lerpAlpha = random:NextNumber(0, 0.9)
			local lerpCFrame = point1.CFrame:Lerp(point2.CFrame, lerpAlpha)
			if #tableOfLerps ~= 0 then
				local lastNumTable = tableOfLerps[#tableOfLerps]
				local lastnum = lastNumTable[2]
				if lerpAlpha <= lastnum and (math.abs(lerpAlpha - lastnum) >= 0.2 or (math.abs(lastnum - lerpAlpha) >= 0.2)) then
						lerpAlpha = random:NextNumber()
						lerpCFrame = point1.CFrame:Lerp(point2.CFrame, lerpAlpha)
					until not lerpAlpha <= lastnum and not (math.abs(lerpAlpha - lastnum) >= 0.2 or (math.abs(lastnum - lerpAlpha) >= 0.2)) --lerpAlpha <= lastnum seems to be the problem
				local lastTable = {lerpCFrame, lerpAlpha}
				table.insert(tableOfLerps, lastTable)
				local lastTable = {lerpCFrame, lerpAlpha}
				table.insert(tableOfLerps, lastTable)

I apologize for the messy indentation, for some reason the forum formats it like that when I paste it here
The following code gives the error, BUT if I add a print statement:

local lerpAlpha = random:NextNumber(0, 0.9)
print(lerpAlpha) --New print statement
			local lerpCFrame = point1.CFrame:Lerp(point2.CFrame, lerpAlpha)
			if #tableOfLerps ~= 0 then
				local lastNumTable = tableOfLerps[#tableOfLerps]
				local lastnum = lastNumTable[2]
				if lerpAlpha <= lastnum and (math.abs(lerpAlpha - lastnum) >= 0.2 or (math.abs(lastnum - lerpAlpha) >= 0.2)) then
						lerpAlpha = random:NextNumber()
						lerpCFrame = point1.CFrame:Lerp(point2.CFrame, lerpAlpha)
					until not lerpAlpha <= lastnum and not (math.abs(lerpAlpha - lastnum) >= 0.2 or (math.abs(lastnum - lerpAlpha) >= 0.2))
				local lastTable = {lerpCFrame, lerpAlpha}
				table.insert(tableOfLerps, lastTable)
				local lastTable = {lerpCFrame, lerpAlpha}
				table.insert(tableOfLerps, lastTable)

Then it suddenly works, but that’s when my next problem comes. Right now I need help with this. How can I make sure this works even without printing anything?

not lerpAlpha becomes false, since everything that is not nil or false is true in if, change it to this

until not (lerpAlpha <= lastnum) and not (math.abs(lerpAlpha - lastnum) >= 0.2 or (math.abs(lastnum - lerpAlpha) >= 0.2))


until lerpAlpha > lastnum and not (math.abs(lerpAlpha - lastnum) >= 0.2 or (math.abs(lastnum - lerpAlpha) >= 0.2))
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It has to be the parentheses, does it… Oh well, thanks anyways!

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