Attempt to compare two values gives error

Hey there, I am trying to compare two values to see if one is bigger then the other but it gives me the error,
attempt to compare Instance < number

I have a HighestBid value in my replicatedstorage which is an integer

The one comparing is a textbox input which is converted to a number,

local bidValue = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("HighestBid")

local localBid = nil
		localBid = tonumber(bidBox.Text)
		if localBid > bidValue

Why does it give me the error, I am pretty sure they are both integers, I tried converting bidValue to an integer but it gave me the same error.

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bidValue is just referencing the istance of the value, try doing in the compare localBid > bidValue.Value

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Oh yes, my bad lol that was very simple thank you

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You need to change bidValue to bidValue.Value:

local bidValue = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("HighestBid")

local localBid = nil
		localBid = tonumber(bidBox.Text)
		if localBid > bidValue.Value