Attempt to concatenate Instance with string

Getting error “attempt to concatenate Instance with string”, little of context on matter of local unitDownText:
…rank… and …zone… are connected to it via a function above.
I’ve not come to any solution yet and after checking some sources still didn’t find a way out of that trap.
It is a local script.

local unitDownMain = templatesText[2]:Clone()
	unitDownMain.Parent = player.PlayerGui.MaskGUI.Notifications
	local unitDownText = "< :: [ALERT] Biosignal lost for stabilization team unit "..rank.." at "" :: >"
	for i = 1, #unitDownText do
		unitDown.Text = string.sub(#unitDownText, 1, i)

how do you have rank and zone defined?

‘…rank… and …zone… are connected to it via a function above.’ what do u mean by this

OnClientEvent:connect(function(zone, rank), this is what I mean

can you show the code where you fire the client event

local zone = plr.LocalRegion.Value
					event:FireAllClients(plr, zone, rank)
Rank is a local inside of script set based on isingroup and rank inside of it.

hmmmm, and LocalRegion is a StringValue?

yeah it is pretty much, inside of a player

oh i just realized, you are using :FireAllClients(), which doesnt take player as an argument. remove plr in the argument.

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