This is literally the most basic use of UpdateAsync isn’t it? Why does it say attempt to index >number< with UpdateAsync?
Some change I’m not aware of?
function GiveTickets(Player, Tickets)
local PlayerId = Player.UserId
local success, err = pcall(function()
if DataStore:GetRequestBudgetForRequestType(Enum.DataStoreRequestType.UpdateAsync) < 2 then
repeat wait(1) warn("Hit UpdateAsync data limit - retrying (+tickets)") until DataStore:GetRequestBudgetForRequestType(Enum.DataStoreRequestType.UpdateAsync) >= 2
Tickets:UpdateAsync(Player.UserId.."_Tickets", function(old)
local new = old or 0
new = new + 1
Events.Notification:FireClient(Player, "You got a ticket! Check out the Blacksmith at spawn.", "Veles")
Events.OwnsAsset:FireClient(Player, "Tickets", new)
Events.ShopEvent:FireClient(Player, "TICKET")
return new
return success
It means you’re doing someNumber:UpdateAsync(), so in this case probably tickets. I don’t know what Tickets is since that bit of code isn’t shown, but I’d wager it’s a number. Possibly if you have Tickets declared at the top of the script to be a DataStore, you might not have realized that by putting a variable called Tickets as a function argument you are effectively overwriting it for the duration of the function.
Tickets:UpdateAsync(Player.UserId.."_Tickets", function(old)
Here you’re calling “UpdateAsync()” through a variable named “Tickets” which holds an integer type value, instead you need to call “UpdateAsync()” through the created “DataStore” instance which was returned from a previous “GetDataStore()” or “GetOrderedDataStore()” call.