Automatic (Toggleable) Watermarks for uploaded images

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard (and time consuming) to insert watermarks to every image that i upload to the developer forum.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because it could prevent various art thefts

How it might work:

When you insert an image into a topic, a dialog will prompt up asking you to add a watermark to the image/s

This watermark will be a transparent text (wich might be the username of the user that uploaded the image to the topic) in the middle of the image, that goes from the top-right point to the bottom-left point, or vice-versa.

Do you think this feature should be added?
  • Yes
  • No (please explain why)

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ShareX lets you add custom watermarks, this isn’t needed as a native forum feature:


I don’t think it’s worth adding a watermark, cause all you need to do is Ctrl+Shift+I and you immediately get the source of the original image.

If the text is loaded onto the image instead of a dialog over the image, then you could save the image and find a watermark remover online to remove it.

Overall, I personally think this feature is not worth creating; if you don’t want anyone to steal your picture(s), just only show part of it, make it low quality, or make your own custom watermark if you need to.

I don’t think this is needed either, but this isn’t a good reason as to why it shouldn’t be added. There are certain kinds of watermarks that give a ton of trouble to those “watermark remover” sites. Here’s a good list of what I’m talking about:

  1. Detail Behind Mark: The detail of the image behind the mark is crucial. Images with a lot of intricacy behind the mark is much more difficult than those on a solid background, which can be removed even without special software.
  2. The Color of the Mark: Ideally, the watermark could contain multiple colors and, if possible match at least some of the colors in the image, making it more difficult to remove without damaging other elements.
  3. Surface Area: The larger the surface area it covers, the more difficult it is to remove as there is less information for the software to make a guess from.
  4. Intricacy of Mark: Watermarks with a lot of intricate detail are harder to separate from the background, both for the human trying to select it and the computer trying to remove it.
  5. Opacity: Though not terribly important, the best watermarks tended to either be very transparent and nearly indistinguishable from the background or very opaque, making it difficult to see what was behind it.
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I don’t use ShareX, because i don’t have enough computer space for it, so what about people that don’t use ShareX?
Also i upload images from the explorer, not screen captures

Then they get ShareX, I doubt you don’t have even a few megabytes to spare. I don’t know of any other software that could automate the process without ShareX.

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