AvatarEditorService inventory read access for Plugins

Currently there is no way to get inventory access of a user in AvatarEditorService. PromptAllowInventoryReadAccess is unresolvable when ran from a plugin and there are no plugin alternatives.

I propose that plugins could have a new permission similar to Script Injection permission which needs to be enabled to give a specific plugin access for reading user’s inventory. This way in plugins we could skip trying to see if we have read access from the service and just instead just manage errors in cases where access hasn’t been given.


Thanks for your feature request. Could you share some of your use cases for using AvatarEditorService in plugins to aid us in deciding how to prioritize this issue?


Thank you for your swift response!

I’m currently working on an Outfit editor plugin for creating and placing avatars into experiences.

One of the use cases for inventory read access is to be able to let users load their saved outfits to the plugin and either modify or add them to their experience. I have a dedicated section for accessing user’s outfits and purchased bundles or characters.


Other use cases I’d love to be able to include in the plugin is limiting searching to assets you own or have marked as favorite, rather then searching from the catalog.