This Handbook Includes:
- Rules
- Guides
- Credits
- Training Times
- Allies Requirements
- Ban Appeals
- How to become a MR+
- Promotions
- Shifts
- Trainings
- Socials
- Extra Information
- Conclusion
-Follow on to know every Fact and Details About Aveya.-
About Us:
Aveya is an upcoming dream, the Management of Aveya has been wanting to do this for a long time. Before we get started and before YOU get started to know us, we’ve wanted to explain some specific rules we have here at Aveya. ________________________________________________________
Rule 1 - Exploiting is a PROHIBITED behavior here at Aveya, This can lead to Banishment. If you will exploit, we are warning you not to as we have our evidence and screen-shots to send to the owner incase of any related behavior.
Rule 2 - Grammar, although grammar isn’t needed for LRs, it is highly recommended, if you are looking for a promotion. However, Grammar is needed(not forced), for Mrs+. As it is highly professional and recommended for promotions and overall looks for Aveya.
Rule 3- Racism,Homophobia,etc is extremely prohibited, we do not agree to hurting others feelings or opinions, this shouldn’t affect you nor it does to them. This will lead to a blacklist.
Rule 4 - Sharing any personal information, or personal opinions that could disturb others, is completely not acceptable and may lead to a kick or a ban.
Rule 5 - Spamming counts as trolling here at aveya,it disturbs others who are trying to get a specific rank and you’re not letting them be able to do that,Spammers will be warned 3 Times, then a kick and eventually a ban.
Rule 6 - Hinting for a high rank will lead to a demotion, this isn’t an acceptable behavior as it is disturbing and being counted as ungrateful. There are so many other ways than hinting for a higher rank!
Rule 7 - Following Roblox’s Terms of Use is highly recommended, meaning no bans. It is easy if you’re trying to get promoted, all you do is follow the rules!
Rule 8 - Raiding isn’t tolerated here at Aveya, it is extremely disturbing, doing this will lead to a ban.
Rule 9 - Advertising a separate group/game/other is not tolerated as we are still growing and are a small group. Saying a name of a group, or describing doesn’t mean advertising, so if you’re doing this it’s fine! We’re just a small growing group ourselves, and need active players.
Rule 10 - You should treat everyone kindly and with respect even if it’s not a high rank, and even Customers should get respect.
This is the final Rule from the “Rules” Section,Thank you for following the 10 Rules.
- Food Guides coming soon, as we are developing our own kitchen system.
- The food guides will soon be released. -
Chairperson: Lovckeds - Owner of Aveya.
Developers: -SOON-
Vice-Chairperson: -SOON-
President: Mach_Dorito - President.
Greetings! This is the official guide for ally requirements in Aveya to roblox groups.
Affiliates are a way of making friends but in groups, we tend to not make a lot of Affiliates to Aveya, so we decided to make it 10 of its maximum.
Here are the requirements to be from our Affiliates.
- To have an active platform in your group/Business.
- To host training actively/Daily, we like to keep all of our Affiliates active and popular as well growing!
- To gain members actively.
- Have a Free-Drama Group,No bans or Blacklists from the owner/Ownerships from the target group.
- To free all the drama you have and find a solution!
- Minimum 200 Members.
- Over 20 Active Players.
And these are all the requirements needed to become allies with us! Please message a VC+ in order to confirm the Ally request.
Ban appeal : After 7days have passed since your ban, you may create a ticket in our group wall /communications server or get in contact with a HR+ to appeal your ban.
How to become a MR+
1)Attending training/Helping out.
2)Attending Shifts.
Very active on our platform.
Following our Guide.
-To get promoted, you have to be active,attend training,attend shifts and help out others in the community! You will eventually be promoted if you get noticed by a MR+.
-Hiniting for a promotion will lead to a demotion, and maybe a FULL demotion. We do not tolerate hunting,as it won’t be fair for everyone else. If you are caught hinting, you will be demoted.
-Attending Shifts is one of the easiest ways to get promoted. It isn’t related to hitning, or any prohibited rules.
-What is a shift?
A Shift is where a MR+ Hosts a shift but in the cafe game, you get to order,cook and even serve our customers! If the staff/host notices you, you’ll be promoted to your next rank. This system works for Trainees+.
A training is to help all trainees to become or even commence training in the future. You will be taught, Grammar,General knowledge questions,kitchen,greetings and How to deal with trollers and exploiters. The Training is divided into 4 Segments, Trivia, Grammar,Kitchen and Trolling.
-Socials aren’t forced but are recommended for high staff, Discord is our only social that is recommended, if you want to join the communication server it is:
Extra Information
Here are some links you may want to know/read:
Our Roblox Group: Galoree | TM - Roblox
Our Management Group: Aveya | Management - Roblox
Training Guides: Soon.
Our Game: Work At Aveya| TM - Roblox
Our Training Center: Galoree Cafe! - Training Center! - Roblox
Our Application Center: Application Center(Galoree Cafè! ) - Roblox
Now this concludes our handbook, If you have any questions,ask on the group wall! This guide was made by @Lovckeds,The owner/holder - Chairman of Aveya.