Avoid Character Fling

How would I get this script to avoid flinging the players in the game and only the parts that it touches?
Right now, it is flinging every part it touches.

> local Part = script.Parent
> local Debris = game:GetService('Debris')
> local CharacterToIgnore = script:WaitForChild('CharacterToIgnore').Value
> local MAGNITUDE = 5000
> local TIME_OF_FORCE = 0.2
> Part.Touched:connect(function(other)
> 	if other.Parent == CharacterToIgnore or (other.Parent and other.Parent.Parent == CharacterToIgnore) then return end
> 	if not other.Anchored then
> 		local punchSound = script:FindFirstChild('PunchSound')
> 		if punchSound then punchSound:Play() end
> 		local direction = (other.Position - Part.Position).unit
> 		local bodyForce = Instance.new('BodyForce')
> 		bodyForce.force = MAGNITUDE * direction
> 		bodyForce.Parent = other
> 		Debris:AddItem(bodyForce, TIME_OF_FORCE)
> 	end
> end)

Please, please, please format your script!!

Also, the Magnitude value might be too high.

No, it doesn’t have to do with the magnitude, I want it to avoid launching the player.