Azava Hotels Handbook!
Azava Hotels
Welcome to the Azava Hotels Main Handbook!
In this document you will find all the relevant and important information needed
General Group Information
- Founded in 2021.
- Hotels & Resort Group
- Owned by nxilitz! Operated by ClearlyAlex.
Social Links
Group Link
Communications Link
Rank Purchasing TOS
Each rank purchased is counted as a donation
Refunds or Rank trades are not allowed.
You must comply with our rules/guidelines!
You can only claim your rank once.
We have the right to blacklist/suspend or demote you if you do not follow our TOS.
You must be in our Discord Server! [MR+]
In conclusion, thank you for reading the public handbook. If you have any questions and statements to do, make sure to contact us by joining the group!
Kindest Regards!
Founder Owner & Chairman!