Azava Hotels Handbook

Azava Hotels Handbook!


Azava Hotels

Welcome to the Azava Hotels Main Handbook!
In this document you will find all the relevant and important information needed

General Group Information

  • Founded in 2021.
  • Hotels & Resort Group
  • Owned by nxilitz! Operated by ClearlyAlex.

Social Links
Group Link
Communications Link

Rank Purchasing TOS

  1. Each rank purchased is counted as a donation

  2. Refunds or Rank trades are not allowed.

  3. You must comply with our rules/guidelines!

  4. You can only claim your rank once.

  5. We have the right to blacklist/suspend or demote you if you do not follow our TOS.

  6. You must be in our Discord Server! [MR+]

In conclusion, thank you for reading the public handbook. If you have any questions and statements to do, make sure to contact us by joining the group!

Kindest Regards!
Founder Owner & Chairman!