Baked's Bakery V2 | May Update Log 2020


05.12.2020. Made it where the points system are in two sections. (Customer & Staff Points.)
05.12.2020. Made it where users get 100 Customer Points by default.
05.12.2020. Made it where users has a point taken out of their Customer Points after buying food. The Customer Point is turned into a Staff Point to the user who sold the item.
05.15.2020. Created the new tabs “Visual”, “Audio”, and “Extras” in the Settings menu.
05.15.2020. Created a new loading bar to display during the loading screen.
05.15.2020. Created the option where users can skip the loading screen & introduction cut scene.
05.15.2020. Created a new backpack system. (You can only now hold up to 5 items at a time.)
05.23.2020. Hired a new developer. Welcome Algoritmi to the team!
05.24.2020. Finished brick reduction for Building 1 & 2. Thanks so much, crystal12752!
05.25.2020. Made it where Depth of Field is turned off by default.
05.26.2020. Created a toggle for name tags in the Settings menu.
05.27.2020. Created a cool-down between point transactions to prevent abuse.
05.28.2020. Made it where users are rewarded with badges for donating in tiers.
05.28.2020. Completed gamepass tab functionality. (UI > Menu > Gamepasses.)


05.15.2020. Fixed the issue where food items were not working correctly.
05.25.2020. Fixed the issue where users were unable to donate.
05.25.2020. Fixed the issue where the feedback tab was not sending messages.
05.26.2020. Fixed the issue where name tags were not appearing above a user’s head even when enabled through the settings.
05.27.2020. Fixed the issue where items were not disappearing in the user’s inventory even after resetting or giving the item to someone else.
05.27.2020. Fixed the issue where Roblox’s default name tag appeared instead of our custom name tag.

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