BanSystem - Ban players with ease! [[MOVED]]

MOVED TO: BanSystem - Ban players with ease!

This is not a showcase, this belongs in #resources:community-resources.

Also, can’t any player type /unban whoever? I’ve checked your script and it seems as if there’s no securities in place to prevent any player from typing that. Segment of script:

	if msg == "/unban "..args then
		if banlist:GetAsync(args,true) then -- Checks if the player is unbanned
			banlist:SetAsync(args,false) -- Tells the BanList that args (player) is banned.
			warn("BanGui || ERROR || "..args.. " is already unbanned!")

I might be wrong on that though.

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I’m working on a admin system as I type. Thanks for the feedback!

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Wait if u are working on a admin system don,t u need help making one i,m just asking okay I’m not judging just asking.

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Thanks for asking but it’s a ban system, not an admin system, also I do not need help! (sorry if I sound rude)

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@exp_lol123 Update now done. Delete the old BanSystem and put the new one in (same link)

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Nah u are not rude u are nice and where do i fine the like can u tell me please🙂

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It’s a heart shaped button, just click/tap it to like a comment!

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Okay thanks for the help and thank u for helping me get a new badge :grinning: