Better fighting design for roblox games

Hello, I made this topic to share with you some mechanics i’ve been working on about a hero fighting game.

As we all know, roblox’s patterns are very low. Im working to create an experience with more detailed fighting mechanics rather then weirdly animated punchs and the outdated Tool Object based skills. So I made this place called Nightcrawler skills, where you spawn as Nightcrawler from the X-Men and can use a set of moves i’ve scripted.

Take a look and feedback me what you think, and feel free to share your own experience on developing fighting games.

The most tricky part on creating this experience is handling the character’s stats effects.
It is a nightmare to imagine for witch Walkspeed number the character would have to go to after punching (cause while punching the character slows down and uses scripted movement mode) or getting out of a root effect (that makes impossible to move or jump), for exemple, considering all the conditions he could be on after that, like, i cant just set the Walkspeed back to normal, i have to ask someone what are the other effects the character is still facing.
Imagining that the game could have lots of heroes, i would like it to be possible for them to add effects like root, burning, poison, freeze, and others. It took me days to figure out by myself ways to create a consistent Status Effects script that would be able to handle in time buffs, debuffs and effect cancelling, allowing me to calculate the character’s properties correctly anytime it needs to.

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