Better way for Mouse Control on both Mobile and PC?

I have a game that requires dragging a block around, I’m developing it for both PC and Mobile. On PC, it works flawlessly, but on Mobile for whatever reason you need to tap it twice for it start going to the cursor.
This is definitely something with the Mouse.Target, but I cannot figure out any alternatives.
“Mover” is the part that is dragged, it’s spawned by the client and Anchored. I have tried every other solution, but none of them work .

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local drag_enabled = false
plr.Mouse = plr:GetMouse()

		if mouse.Target == mover then
			drag_enabled = true
	drag_enabled = false

You should prefer UserInputService over the old PlayerMouse object. Then you can bind to InputChanged and handle based on Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and Enum.UserInputType.Touch from the InputObject

Sounds sweet, but what about recreating the target stuff, do I shoot a raycast?