Better way to do this?

is there a better way to do this, this code is really ugly and I want to change it.

I think making dictionary for this one like

local dict = {
  [100]  = { -- this is the value of the TotalTurns
       IndustrialEra = false;
       EraName = "IndustrialEra"

and run loop in the function

sorry i wrote this on mobile so it could be confusing

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can you give me a example? ------

I don’t really understand ------------

Might look like this

local dict = {
	{ Max = 145, Value = false, Name = "ModernEra" },
	{ Max = 100, Value = false, Name = "Industrial" }
	-- Descending order

for _, Object in pairs(dict) do
	if TotalTurns.Value >= Object.Max and Object.Value == false then
		Object.Value = true