Big game update!


Hello everyone.
The next update is out. I added a big labyrinth!

Link to game

I also have a group, where I will write, if there is an Update

Link to group

I hope you enjoy my game

Please write in the comments, if you liked the new Stage. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, you can write in to my group chat. (or in the comments)

I went through that game a little, and I like it also the loading is a little to long. Another thing I noticed it that is that there was some zfighting. You can fix that, but overall it was a great game.

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Thank you, but what do you mean with “zfighting”?

zfighting happens when two part have the same Z size position and “overlaps” u know that glitching effect. Well I noticed that the health bar is little weird. Also I dont really like ur Gui, I think its something special but its too big and and feels a little bit off.

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Thanks, do you have any suggestions, how I can make a good Gui?

More colour and patterns maybe? + I just tried to enter the game again and I am waiting here for around 3 min now and it doesnt load at all, I dont even get the loading bar, it seems just broken

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This only happens, if I publish the new update. But It has to go now

Cool game, my friend, although I have some feedback, when I first joined I got stuck on the “Loading” screen for a few minute, so I had to reset to escape it and nice work on making all the GUI’s compatible with other devices! :smile:

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sorry for the loading Gui. I have to fix this.

Alright, the GUI itself looks great though, just it breaks some times.

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Can’t get into the game, maybe try opening it.

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I made it private, because i have to fix the intro. I will publish it soon!

I fixed it! Now the intro functions! :grinning: