BillboardGui lighting problems

If a BillboardGui has AlwaysOnTop set to true, then all lighting effects are ignored. I need the AlwaysOnTop working on parts only, not lighting.
My game uses BillBoardGuis for hit effects. The effects need to be on top of the character bodyparts to actually be seen, but I want them to be affected by lighting.

Particle emitters have a property called ZOffset, which lets you achieve this affect, but BillboardGuis don’t have this for whatever reason.

Any alternatives to BillboardGui?

I found a solution using ParticleEmitters. They can emit one particle using ParticleEmitter:Emit(1). This combined with ZOffset allows for the exact functionality I’ve been looking for.

I know you’ve already found a solution but I’m pretty sure you can set LightInfluence on the BillboardGui to 1 to be fully affected by the lighting, 0.5 to be half affected, etc.

That property only affects the BillboardGui if AlwaysOnTop is false. Which leaves the same problem.

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