Bizarre keyframe behaviour

Getting the cframe doesn’t work but getting the keyframe time does?Basically when it gets the cframe it returns 0 keyframes whereas in the time it returns all the keyframes.

function module.getanimationlength(Animation,Type)
	local AssetId = Animation.AnimationId

	local Sequence = Provider:GetKeyframeSequenceAsync(AssetId)
	local Keyframes = Sequence:GetKeyframes()
	if Type == "E" then
		if CFrameCache[AssetId] then
			return CFrameCache[AssetId]
		local first 
		--for i,v in pairs(Keyframes[2]:GetDescendants()) do
		--	if v.Name == "RightHand" then
		--		first = v.CFrame
		--	end
		local second 
		--for i,v in pairs(Keyframes[#Keyframes-1]:GetDescendants()) do
		--	if v.Name == "RightHand" then
		--		second = v.CFrame
		--	end
		--	end
		for i = 1, #Keyframes do
			if i == 1 then
				first = Keyframes[i].CFrame
			elseif i == #Keyframes then
				second = Keyframes[i].CFrame
		if second and first then
			CFrameCache[AssetId] = {first,second}
			return {first,second}
		if Cache[AssetId] then
			return Cache[AssetId]
		local Length = 0
		for i = 1, #Keyframes do
			local Time = Keyframes[i].Time
			if Time > Length then
				Length = Time

		Cache[AssetId] = Length
		return Length

If getting cframe wouldn’t work wouldn’t it be nil aswell?

I’m not an animation expert at all, but you are not checking the CFrame of a part, you are checking the CFrame of a Keyframe, which obviously doesn’t exist. I did some research and Keyframes have poses and poses have the CFrame of the Motor6D that is modifying a part and poses even have the same name as the part it’s applied to. So, perhaps use GetPoses(), find the one with the name of the part you’re looking for (I think you want Right Hand?) and apply the pose’s CFrame to the same Motor6d in a copy of the model and then it will have the CFrame you are looking for. Hope I helped!

Before that the number of keyframes returns 0 so that’s irrelevant?

Where is provider coming from? You use it when defining sequence, but how is provider defined?

It’s the service

local Provider = game:GetService("KeyframeSequenceProvider")

It works when you get the time and somehow it doesn’t return 0 keyframes when I get the time.

First of all I want you to remove all lines where it trys to get the CFrame of the keyframes, it’s going to error. That may already solve your problem.

Ah, that didn’t work because it still returned 0 keyframes.