This plugin keeps crashing studio whenever I try to upload animations/ close out of the plugin grr
And it has happened on every single computer I’ve used this plugin on, which is about 6 or 7 I’d say
The crashing (at least on closing) is due to a Studio bug. Still seems to just allow me to upload an animation, though.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but recently i’ve been having issues with importing animations from blender 2.8. I don’t get any errors in blender or studio, but when i paste the code in the importer plugin, the rig is not moving and I have no clue why. I have tried multiple animations and all of them do the same, I am using a rig that I just spawned in with the Rig Builder, I could import them just fine just a few days ago and I don’t remember changing anything particularly
That has nothing to do with it, that’s just how you’re supposed to use the plugin
Looks like something broke with the previewer in some recent Roblox update… Probably worth trying to simply upload the animation after importing it, that should still work fine.
Will look into the cause of this in more detail later if it’s not fixed somewhat soon by Roblox.
Weird, trying to import a FBX animation
I get this error
“Cannot map rig, the following bones are missing from the source rig: HumanoidRootPart, LowerTorso, Torso, LUpperArm, LLowerArm, LHand, RUpperArm, RLowerArm, RHand, Neck, Head, LUpperLeg, LLowerLeg, LFoot, RUpperLeg, RLowerLeg, RFoot.”
But its all their…
( Using Blender 2.8 )
Try to import your armature in Blender via the regular .fbx importer, then check that the bone names match exactly between the two armatures (some other users claim mixamo added 1’s to the bone names, may be the same issue here? I can’t reproduce that issue myself, though).
I tried that, I don’t think its on your end. Could be blender 2.8 and Maximo not working together.
I fixed my issue by going back to blender 2.79.
Will it ever be possible to import Roblox Animations into blender? would be helpful for re-targeting animations to work on rigs.
There are no plans for this on my side.
This is happening when i try to select the rig model
Looks like another plugin is causing that (this plugin will start and stop the game’s simulation to preview animations, which that plugin probably didn’t expect).
This is the perfect plugin for creating hats with, can fit the model directly on the head, much appreciated!
Oh it was the tool grip editor, Thank you!
I fixed that output error, but now animations are not importing, and output doesnt say anything
can confirm this plugin conflict’s with @Maximum_ADHD 's ToolGripEditor
If either one of you could fix it, that’d be greatly appreciated.