Bloxy Cafe ® | Code Of Conduct

Code of Conduct

This section of the Bloxy Cafe Handbook covers the basic conduct of any member of Bloxy Cafe , including guests. It will not cover all of the information where common sense can be applied to figure it out. If you are seen breaking any of these ground rules, there will be consequences. Guests and members of Bloxy Cafe are required to follow these rules in order to maintain a positive and encouraging working environment.


We expect all our members and guests to maintain a positive and honest attitude while at Bloxy Cafe . In addition, we also expect our staff members to maintain a professional attitude while working at Bloxy Cafe . You will be held accountable for the mistakes you make and we expect you to take responsibility for the mistakes you make. While working at Bloxy Cafe , grammar is a necessity whether you are behind the counter or not. It helps us remain organized and professional.


As a worker of Bloxy Cafe , we appreciate that our staff would dress in appropriate attire to better and more professionally represent our company. This includes wearing both a shirt and pants that cover the main parts of the body, as well as not wearing items that are too immature/inappropriate. If you are asked by an Assistant Supervisor or higher to change into more appropriate clothing, you should cooperate and change into more appropriate/professional clothing. You will be given two minutes to change, and if you fail to cooperate, you will be banned. Also, MR/HR staff members are not required to wear the uniforms at the , but they are required to wear it at both the Interview and Training Centers.


Bloxy Cafe , we expect our workers to behave professionally and maturely. This means that our staff should not be loitering. Their tasks should include: working behind the counters, serving Customers/Guests with a welcoming greeting, giving positive/respectful service, helping fellow workers or anyone with a question, using grammar at ALL times, knowing how to properly deal with a troller (by giving them one warning, and if they do not stop, then by contacting an MR/HR staff member, or posting the issue on the group wall), etc. We also expect our staff to follow and enforce all of the rules of Bloxy Cafe, as well as those of Roblox. Breaking rules such as lack of grammar while working, spamming, abusing caps, trolling, online dating, etc. will result in warnings/demotion/ban if it does not stop. Overall, we expect our workers to show KMR, kindness, maturity, and respect, at all times no matter who they are dealing with and at every Bloxy Cafe -related location (Interview Center, Training Center, Discord server, etc.) to ensure that we have professional staff who represent Bloxy Cafe proudly.