Boat Doesn't Move [Closed]

Hello, I’m SilentSuprion and I have a problem I can’t seem to make a working boat. Right now I use vector force and angular velocity, yet it can’t seem to work. How can I fix this?

local seat = script.Parent
local body = script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Body")

	body.AngularVelocity.AngularVelocity =, -1 * seat.Steer, 0)
	body.VectorForce.Force = seat.CFrame.LookVector * 10000 * seat.Throttle

Here’s how it’s formatted:
Screenshot 2022-03-20 102524
Thank you.

AngularVelocity and VectorForce require your boat parts to be unanchored, have you checked to make sure it can move?

Yes all of the parts are un-anchored.

It looks like you’re multiplying by an arbitrary value instead of the mass of “Body”

Sorry for my late response, but something like this?

`local seat = script.Parent
local body = script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Body")

	body.AngularVelocity.AngularVelocity =, -1 * seat.Steer, 0)
	body.VectorForce.Force = seat.CFrame.LookVector * body:GetMass() * seat.Throttle

If so it doesn’t seem too work…so it’s probably wrong.

Can anyone else help? I still have no clue on how to accomplish this especially since body movers were deleted/depreceated.