Bombay Beach Server Rules


Welcome to the official game rule documentation for Bombay Beach!
These are the current set of rules enforced by our Moderation Team, but there is one main rule which applies to everything: Don’t break RP! Each rule is applied on a holistic basis, and if you think something you are doing may not be allowed but isn’t explicitly set out below, then just don’t do it!

Group Link:!/about
Game Link:

Major Offences

  • Exploiting - This is a permanent ban unless you can prove that you didn’t do it via Video.

  • Breaking Roblox’s TOS - This is a permanent ban, due to it risking the termination of our group and game.


  • Tool Abuse - As this is an RP Community tool abuse is forbidden and will result in a Permanent Ban.

  • Spawn Killing and Spawn Arresting - This will result in a server ban.

  • Glitching - This is normally an issue where you abuse unrealistic parts of Bombay Beach, which are not meant to happen. You will be warned and then kicked if you continue to do this, and any glitches should be reported to the Development Team to be resolved.

  • Robbing the bank with no law enforcement - There must be an active member of Law Enforcement within a server in order for you to Rob the Bank. If caught doing this it will result in a 1-day ban, then a month’s ban.

  • AFK Farming - Remaining AFK in order to farm money will result in your money being reset.

  • Playing excessively loud/annoying/bypassed/inappropriate audios - If this is done, by a boombox, a moderator should warn the offender. Action is only taken against the user if they repeatedly try to play different audios falling under this category, or do not stop playing audio (when told to stop). This should first result in a warning then a kick (no ban occurs here)