Bring back "amount of buyers" & date for all created items publicly

As a Roblox user, I’ve been on roblox for almost a decade and I’ve witnessed so many changes but there’s one change I absolutely disagreed is being not able to see how many people brought an item, and updated/creation date publicly.

I’ve been struggling to decide if they’re updated recently, created recently, or have many people brought a item before I buy. As far as I know that those ratings aren’t always reliable because the creator can self-like their own item to make it look good so people can be convinced to buy a possible stolen item. That is why these “amount of buyers” and date information should be returned.

It may be not important for most of you, but it is critical for all of us to know these information for three most significant reasons:

  • To be able to recognize which item being sold by original creator or stealer to avoid using an less quality item (to wear) and/or infected model into your game. (simply by just looking at the amount of buyers, and updated/creation date)
  • Easier to trust an item (rating and comment aren’t enough, not to mention some item’s creator disabled comment)
  • Easier to recognize which item is updated recently / original / popular. Most stolen items typically have less buyers than the original, and “newer date” than original, but that’s my knowledge.

Here are the examples of a hat item from 2016 via wayback archive:
As you can see on both photos above and below; you can see “Sale: 200”, that’s how many people brought this item. It also includes “updated” and “created”. Now I know this hat is more recent. This was a good transparency information. Small but effective.
Sales, Updated, and Created- all vanished quietly and I didn’t even realize that until after UGC feature is out- it made me think about these information.

The creation/updated date and “amount of buyers” could have helped us to know more about these items better. As of now, the new people can’t tell if they’re old or not, popular or not, updated recently or not, and original or not. Also, the items in Roblox catalog confused me because I thought they are reupload or updated or something. These “transparency information” shouldn’t be removed in the first place.
What do you guys think? Direct message me if needed because I can’t reply on this category.


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