TGE | The Galactic Empire* Official Protocol's (Rules and more)

Protocol One

All member’s are ONLY allowed in 2 divisions.

Protocol Two

All division HICOM has to remind as HICOM for 4 - 8 months before leaving or resigning, after 4 months you can leave your position.

Protocol Three

All Officer’s and HICOM has to give a 1 - 2 week’s notice before their retirement.

Protocol Four

All official events has to be shouted on both platforms.

Protocol Five

Any corruption etc… report it to the Imperial Security Bureau, any in-game bugs report to APG.

Protocol Six

Do not enter any ships bridge unless your a Navy Personnel, Royal Guard or a Death Trooper.

Protocol Seven

Treat everyone with respect.

Protocol Eight

All officer’s are expected to log their absent from the community.

Protocol Nine

All Officer’s are expected to host trainings and tryout’s.

Protocol Ten

All Officer’s are required to host at LEAST two trainings a WEEK.

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