Builders and Modelers - What is your proudest creation so far?

Your proudest creations so far on ROBLOX

Many people who have been developing over the years have had that one proud creation that sticks with them for a while - or is replaced quite quickly due to improvement!

  • Haven’t seen a topic surface like this in a while, from what I have searched, thought I could continue it!

I am a new member to the developer forum on ROBLOX and have been scanning through countless creations from the community - and so far I haven’t been disappointed from the amazing things that come from here - which come to me as an inspiration to continue improving in development.

  • [Sector 03] My personal proudest creation so far in the short time
    I’ve actually invested in proper development in ROBLOX is my
    showcase which was made earlier this year, which was actually
    referenced from a google image!

    The game link can be found here for anyone who wishes to see it in person :+1:

Now, I want to see your proudest creations from your development career
here on ROBLOX! You can even have multiple of them, I’m excited to see
what people have to show - Images, links or videos all work! :slight_smile:


I love it a lot, it reminds of that Half Life. Really detialed and I love the lighting.

I’ve had some highlights over the years of my building, and whilst I don’t have an exact favourite, some of my highlights are:

Building for other games

The Breech Loader in Miner’s Haven, before berezaa ruined it (2016):

The Ore Painter in Miner’s Haven (2017):
I also built the Ore Transponder, but I don’t think it looks good enough to be notable.

The Galactic Forge in Productive Industries (2018):

The Fusion Amplification Matrix in Productive Industries (2019):

I’ve built probably hundreds of items for Productive Industries by now but these two are some of the best-looking ones.

Personal builds

My first and currently only showcase, Kindred Cybernetics (2017)
Note: I changed lighting from Compatibility to Future for the sake of this picture.

Gauss Cannon from Doom 2016 (2017):

T-7 assault rifle (2018):

KV-L PDW (2018):

Hammerhead S-1 LMG (2018):

The gun models aren’t for any game in particular, I just made them for fun.

Refinery for an untitled game I’m working on (2019):
Novarium Synthesizer for an untitled game I’m working on (2020):

Iridium Extraction Facility for an untitled game I’m working on (2020):


They all look very nice, well done!

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Please avoid creating megathreads. This whole category, as well as the WAYWOC megathread, can be used to showcase creations across all fields - a build one isn’t necessary. We’ve discouraged megathread creation for a while.


I really like the feel it gives off. Its like incredibly detailed, but kind of has a low poly vibe.

You know what I mean?

If not, oh well. I think its really great!