Button not working

	local button = script.Parent
	local statpoints = player.leaderstats.StatPoints
	local defense = player.leaderstats.Defense
	local function leftClick()
		if statpoints.Value >= 1 then
			statpoints.Value -= 1
			defense.Value += 1
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I would recommend using a remote event to send a signal to the server from a local script inside of the button when the button is clicked to change the value as this may work better.

You may find this useful:
Remote Event Documention

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If your confused by this just create a Remote Event in replicated storage and call it when the player clicks.

IIRC Button clicks aren’t recorded by the server, so it makes sense why it’s not getting detected. You need a separate script placed in the client’s button GUI to detect that, then send that action through a remote event and handle the logic from there.

lol whoops i didnt realize someone said that before me