Button only working after another button pressed

i’ve had this issue for a few days now, the issue is that buttons dont work unless a button (that presumably works) is clicked first, i’ve narrowed down a few things
edit: note “work” only replies after the ssh-40 tag works as shown in video)
-not an issue with my code setup (if’s, elseif’s etc)

	Frame.LoadoutOption1.Image = "rbxassetid://10631497747"
	Frame.LoadoutOption2.Image = "rbxassetid://10631482068"
	Frame.LoadoutOption3.Image = "rbxassetid://10631482068"
	Frame.LoadoutOption4.Image = "rbxassetid://10631482068"
	if Frame.LoadoutOption1.DeployTag.Text == "Premier Attire" then
		--placement holder

	elseif Frame.LoadoutOption1.DeployTag.Text == "Deputy Attire" then
		--placement holder

	elseif Frame.LoadoutOption1.DeployTag.Text == "General Attire" then
		if GeneralStaff == true then
			Dummy.Parent = game.Workspace.DeploySystem
			--weld code

	elseif Frame.LoadoutOption1.DeployTag.Text == "Standard Cap" then
		--placement holder

	elseif Frame.LoadoutOption1.DeployTag.Text == "SSH-40" then --only button that works
		if StandardEnlist == true then
			--weld code
	elseif Frame.LoadoutOption1.DeployTag.Text == "Player Attire" then
		--placement holder

	elseif Frame.LoadoutOption1.DeployTag.Text == "NKVD Cap" then
		--placement holder

i believe the issue ithat generalstaff is false
if not than it could be maybe Dummy.Parent if u didn’t make Dummy a variable

it is a variable and generalstaff was made true and dosent explain why the mouseclick wasnt working

the mouse click should work i believe u should put print before general staff and after mouseclick so u know that it works

there is a print after the mouseclick and the print dosent even fire until after the ssh-40 button is pressed even when it’s pressed by another button