Buttons on UI are not staying together

I need help with the UIs for iPad players are separated and not staying together. Is there a way to resolve this?

I’m not sure if this has already been talked about, but I’ve looked and haven’t seen anything.

Did you try usinga UIAspectRatioConstraint?

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Ensure that your buttons are scaled within a container, with their anchorpoints set.

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This looks like you added a UIAspectRatioConstraint to every element. The best way you would do it is put Shop, Music, Change Age, and the remaining 4 squares into one Frame then you UIAspectRatioConstraint it. I’d also set the anchor point to 0,0.5. If you want a more organized way, I personally would UIListLayout the 3 buttons, and UIGridLayout the 4 buttons, then put it into one Frame and UIListLayout that too.

I hope this helps you, thank you!

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Ensure that your buttons are scaled correctly.

Thank you for this, it helped! :slight_smile: