Calculating angles between look vectors

I am making a FPS and I am trying to avoid using a view model. I am attempting to make the arms point towards the mouse position and I have came up with the following:

local frontVector: Vector3 = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector
local topVector: Vector3 = (humanoidRootPart.CFrame * / 2, 0, 0)).LookVector
local mouseVector: Vector3 = mouse.Hit.LookVector
local xAngle: TypeUtil.double = math.acos(mouseVector:Dot(topVector) / (topVector.Magnitude * mouseVector.Magnitude))
local zAngle: TypeUtil.double = math.acos(mouseVector:Dot(frontVector) / (frontVector.Magnitude * mouseVector.Magnitude

I create two look vectors that emit from the top and front of the player. I then calculate their angles (not sure if correctly) based off the mouse vector. I am sure I am doing this next part wrong, so can anyone suggest how to fix this? The full code is bellow:

movementThread = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(): nil
	local cameraPoint: Vector3 = mouse.Hit.Position
	local headPosition: Vector3 = head.CFrame.Position
	local frontVector: Vector3 = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector
	local topVector: Vector3 = (humanoidRootPart.CFrame * / 2, 0, 0)).LookVector
	local mouseVector: Vector3 = mouse.Hit.LookVector
	local xAngle: TypeUtil.double = math.acos(mouseVector:Dot(topVector) / (topVector.Magnitude * mouseVector.Magnitude))
	local zAngle: TypeUtil.double = math.acos(mouseVector:Dot(frontVector) / (frontVector.Magnitude * mouseVector.Magnitude))
	if (isMovementEnabled) then
		print(math.deg(math.pi / 2 - xAngle))
		TweenService:Create(rightShoulder, moveTweenInfo, {
			C0 = rightShoulderCFrame * CFrame.Angles(xAngle, zAngle, 0)
	return nil
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yeah, me too but so far, i haven’t been able to do it yet.