I’ve been trying to get the camera to collide with a part that has a 0.7 transparency, but it keeps going through. I looked at the “Popper” script which is supposed to prevent the camera from clipping through walls.
local function canOcclude(part)
-- Occluders must be:
-- 1. Opaque
-- 2. Interactable
-- 3. Not in the same assembly as the subject
if FFlagUserPoppercamLooseOpacityThreshold then
part.Transparency < 0.25 and
part.CanCollide and
subjectRoot ~= (part:GetRootPart() or part) and
not part:IsA('TrussPart')
part.Transparency < 0.95 and
part.CanCollide and
subjectRoot ~= (part:GetRootPart() or part)
I duplicated this module script, modified it (changed the .25 to .8), then stored it in player scripts. Another script replaces the popper with the new one I created. However, the camera still seems to clip through my 0.7 transparency part.