Camera Ignoring Part with 0.7 Transparency?

I’ve been trying to get the camera to collide with a part that has a 0.7 transparency, but it keeps going through. I looked at the “Popper” script which is supposed to prevent the camera from clipping through walls.

local function canOcclude(part)
	-- Occluders must be:
	-- 1. Opaque
	-- 2. Interactable
	-- 3. Not in the same assembly as the subject
	if FFlagUserPoppercamLooseOpacityThreshold then
			part.Transparency < 0.25 and
			part.CanCollide and
			subjectRoot ~= (part:GetRootPart() or part) and
			not part:IsA('TrussPart')
			part.Transparency < 0.95 and
			part.CanCollide and
			subjectRoot ~= (part:GetRootPart() or part)

I duplicated this module script, modified it (changed the .25 to .8), then stored it in player scripts. Another script replaces the popper with the new one I created. However, the camera still seems to clip through my 0.7 transparency part.


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Quick question, could upload the CameraScript file here? I have tried producing it using one of my own places, but I cannot find any script that is either named Popper or a snippet of code that looks like yours in the relevant modules, it might just be because your modules are not up-to-date somehow.

In the meantime, have you tried changing that second argument, part.Transparency < 0.95, to a smaller number to see if this is making it ignore the part, just to try it out?

Also, I have a question about what you were saying:

Do you mean that the script loader loads a different Popper script in automatically that doesn’t allow your edited one to do its job, or is the script loader accepting your custom Popper script and still not following your intended behavior?