Hello everyone, i’m currently using Roblox Official Gun system
I read the official post telling us to put the “WeaponSystem” into ReplicatedStorage
However, i found the gun doesnt work.
Did i do something wrong?
Hello everyone, i’m currently using Roblox Official Gun system
I read the official post telling us to put the “WeaponSystem” into ReplicatedStorage
However, i found the gun doesnt work.
Did i do something wrong?
for it to appear in the players inventory automatically, you’ll need to put the tool in starterpack.
he did you can see it in the starterpack
but mine worked without moving the weaponsystem. I think you should just try it without touching it first
But the shoulder camera is on without equipping the tool. And I cant change to other gun models
the shoulder camera is forced to be on without having to equip. Unless you wanna be a nerd and read the whole script to change it.
Alright I changed it… after reading for 3 hours