Can anyone identify this exploit? (Is there a anti-exploit solution for it?)(Hat spam exploit)

One of my friends had his game hijacked by a group of exploiters, they would crash his servers until he added a teleport to their game. He only told me how it looks like to other players, so I need your help in identifying the original script and/or seeing if you can prevent it.

This is how they described it as:
“person joined, stood still, and a thousand copies of a hair accessory spawned onto their avatar’s head at a very fast rate, which lagged the game out, rendered all of our commands useless, and we would just stand there. you could still walk and stuff, but the chat and admin commands were broken completely, so the server had to be shut down.”

Hello, is there any way to give us a game link or open source game?

Hello, here is my friend’s game:

Also the exploit is not in the game, I don’t even know what the exploit’s code is/how it works

Is it possible they could be spamming the accessory GUI? I know there’s a limit but maybe with some kind of bot or macro it might be possible to mess with it fast enough to slow things down.

I will try to find it out. Don’t you mind if I use my exploit? Only to see how this happens.

Sorry, I was wrong it is not the case

It didn’t seem to lag but the chat slowed down a lot. (I was in the server with @OwOshka)

The exploit is most likely in the game.

Use Ctrl+Shift+F to search for malicious keywords.

Your friend can use this code to see a list of every script in the game:

for i,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Script") then

Yeah, chat is being slowed down, and I am being disconnected.

It’s highly unlikely that it’s a backdoor. If it were, then the exploiters would’ve just made OP’s game teleport to their own game. Spawning thousands of hairs and taking the game hostage is what you come up with when it’s your only remaining option.

It is still possible that the exploit is specific to that place, that there’s a character customization-related weakness that doesn’t destroy the previous accessories. Otherwise the exploit would be commonly used or flexed outside this place.

They were keeping a limit on the client and checking on the client… :sweat_smile:

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Theres been accessory based btools going around too which has been used in several games that I know of
Its probably the same mechanism and Im sure roblox will get onto it sooner or later
You could do some research into accessory based btools, but all Ive found are obfuscated scripts

Ive semi cracked the obfuscation and am currently looking into leads into what mechanic is being abused to create these hats

I think I dumped a script that did this a few months ago which allowed me to see what services it used, but I don’t remember them. Though after when I dumped it, I released that it ip logged it’s users via a website and it sent that to a webhook, which me and my then friends spammed

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This is my solution and I’m not sure whether this would work.

So, my solution is to connect a DescendantAdded event to workspace and add a debounce to it. So, if the limit is 10 hats per second (Make sure to set it to atleast 10 since the player’s character can contain Accessories) and there are 100 hats being added every second, kick the player.

(You could also check if the accessory type is hair)

Hope it helps!

I was right, it is easy to spam remote with hats.
I managed to make a huge list of accessories and when I launch the script I can equip accessories without limits. It slows down the chat a lot. You need to check amount of accessories on server side and also modify the script, since if you spam it, it will slow down the chat, no messages appear.

What are you saying? There’s a RemoteEvent in that particular game that will spawn hats?
“modify the script” – What script?

So there is a remote that allows you to wear custom accessories.
Modify script means modify server script where you add accessory to the player.

So you’re basically saying what @Eestlane771 already said?

a solution i know for this is detect if any hats dropped in workspace and then destroy it

basically there’s a remote or something that give them hats and spam it and all they do is for example

for i ,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do 
if v:IsA("Accessory") then  
v.Parent = workspace
end end 

and yes it will replicate to server causing a huge lag I have countered that problem before and the only solution like I said above

It could be a paid access admin backdoor.