Can I add voicelines with swear words if I make an option in settings to sensor them (without making my game 17+))

I want to make a story mode for my game and have voicelines to make it extra cinematic. I want to include swear words (like the s, f, and d words) to make the game more immersive, as criminals often swear. If I add a setting to omit these words and the voiceline’s volume would temporarily be 0 during the swear, would I be able to keep my game as +13?

Uploading audio with swears is against TOS I believe (Checked, and you can do so but only if the game you upload to is configured to be 17+, and the audio cannot be made public), and you cannot use swears in game unless the game is 17+. I would read the guidelines for 17+ games, and if that is even allowed, as last I checked you can only swear if it is not directed to another player.

Try reading over this resource! You may find what you are looking for.

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