Can someone Explain what this means in the simplest terms(sorry if this sounds dumb but I'm learning)

The simplest way I can think of right now is to check for different surfaces using raycasting when you update the player’s movement. As a more complex alternative (imo), you can get the adjacent surfaces of the wall or part and keeping track of the player’s position relative to the wall so that you can swap to the next adjacent surface when you reach the edge.
CONTEXT: Making a "Wall Climbing" System - #11 by JimmyChance

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This means nothing without context and the context is Making a "Wall Climbing" System - #11 by JimmyChance. But you already posted on that thread.

Whatever. He’s giving two options.

  1. Shoot a ray from the center of the character forward. If it hits something, that’s the wall that you wanna climb on.
  2. Keep track (somehow) of the walls to the left and right of your current wall. If you get close enough to the wall on the left or right, switch to those walls.
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