Can't publish place after using SetPlaceId

I am unable to publish my place after using game:SetPlaceId(myplaceid).

It spits out some error about “Plugin handle” as seen in the image.

Steps to reproduce:

  • open a local file
  • in command line, input game:SetPlaceId(YOUR_PLACE_ID)
  • attempt to overwrite an existing place, click the blue “overwrite” button, and notice it doesn’t publish, and the output error happens, and the button becomes permanently gray-blue

My workflow uses SetPlaceId because I open a local .rbxl file instead of grabbing it from the site every time. I also use SetPlaceId if I’m testing an update in a separate testing place before I launch an update to my real game.

The alternative workaround is to completely stop what I’m doing, exit out of studio, and reopen it and publish it.

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